Take two photos of a scrap material. One detailed view and one to scale
Describe the condition
of the material
using hastags
Post the photo to complete your upload and set a time limit of availability


Search for scrap material near you by building or by material type
Choose scrap material or keep on searching by swiping left or right
Claim your scrap mateiral and it will be taken down from the database of available pieces
Scrap-Tapper is service geared towards the SCAD community. SCAD students spend thousands of dollars on materials every day. Whether you reside in Gulfstream, Eckberg, Monty or any of the other infinite buildings, at one point or the other you have thrown away scrap. Scrap-Tapper is a platform where students can post their scrap to the SCAD community for others to take and use. Students are able to browse the available selection with a swift flick of the thumb. Once they see an item they like, they may claim it and proceed to pick it up.
Design Brief
Create a service for students to identify and share scrap material found in workshops at Savannah College of Art and Design
Develop a simple and efficient application using human computer interaction principals of design, service design, and basic coding.
Field Research
Tools Used
We visited various workshop buildings around campus to observe and interview students about their use of scrap material. We found that although hardly used, scraps are widely available. Students often leave behind pieces that are too organic or small for their specific project, but could be repurposed for another's.
Within the heat of finals, students often are in need of last minute materials for adjustments of alterations. However, not every student has access to transportation to run to Home Depot at the drop of a dime, not to mention project working hours are often within the wee hours of the night. Many buildings have spaces to recycle materials, but few students know or use them. Scrap-Tapper is a tool to combat the waste of good material for student in need.

students cant decifer between what is or isn't scrap
questionable ownership
clear and efficient
limit application to searching and posting only
students wait until the last minute to
get supplies
immediate need
use tech trends
use similar trends and motions found in apps that students are familiar with
many students dont have the accessability to buy materials at the hardware store
lack of transportation
multiple options
allow students to choose from multiple modes of transportation

Fly on the Wall
A Day in the Life
Low-Fi & Mid-Fi Prototypes

use of social media
linked in
google +